
and Cancer Guardian

What Brokers are Saying About Cancer Guardian

A First-of-its-Kind Cancer Benefit Program

By 2030, cancer is expected to surpass heart disease the #1 cause of death in the U.S.(1) Cancer is the leading driver of healthcare costs and has an extensive impact on productivity and presenteeism within the workforce. Developed by industry experts, Cancer Guardian is a first-of-its-kind cancer benefit program that allows you to offer employers a competitive edge while helping them to save cost.

Deliver value through advanced technology

Deliver Value Through Advanced Technology 

Cancer Guardian is an innovative benefit program that brings together the most advanced DNA testing technologies with personalized cancer support not typically covered by traditional healthcare.   It is an unmatched service for employers seeking to truly differentiate their benefits offering, manage costs and support employees.

Education and engagement

Education and Engagement 

Cancer Guardian’s expert team of oncology specialists provide best-in-class training and support of the program for brokers, employers and employees.  From cancer prevention to navigating the cancer treatment journey, we are dedicated to making ‘personalized medicine’ truly personal.

White glove service

Concierge Service

Cancer Guardian provides an end-to-end program for employers and employees.  From education and engagement, to developing a personalized cancer plan if diagnosed, Cancer Guardian is founded on service and is a program that you can be proud to promote.

Offer your employers a program
that can change lives.

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1. Lifetime Risk of Developing or Dying from Cancer Basic Facts.  American Cancer Society, 2019.

2. Wamberg Genomic Advisors, Cancer Survey of 204 cancer patients and nonprofessional advocates.  Survey Sampling International (SSI), 2018.

3. Unger, Joseph M., et al. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Magnitude of Structural, Clinical and Physician and Patient Barriers to Cancer Clinical Trial Participation.  JNCI J NATL Cancer Institute, 2019.

4. Family Reach. Annual Report 2016. Family Reach Foundation https://familyreachorg/wp-content/uploads/
2017/05/ frf_2016_annual_report_compressedpdf Accessed July 30, 2017.

5. CancerCare. Cancer Care Patient Access and Engagement Report. New York: CancerCare. 2016.

6. Manchanda, Ranjit, et al.  Population based germline testing for primary cancer prevention.  Oncotarget, 2018, Vol. 9 (No. 69), pp: 33062-33063

7. Waszak, Przemyslaw M. et al.  The Spread of Medical Fake News in Social Media.  Health Policy & Technology Review, Elsevier, 2018.

8. Stephen S. Raab, Dana M. Grzybicki, CA Cancer J. Clin. 2010 May-Jun,60(3): 139-65

9. Raab, Stephen S. MD, et al. Quality in Cancer Diagnosis.  Cancer J. Clinical 2010

10. J. Unger, et al., Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Magnitude of Structural, Clinical and Physician Barriers to Cancer Clinical Trial Participation, JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst 2019

11. The State of Cancer Care in America, 2014: A report by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.  Journal of Oncology Practice, 2014; 10(2):120-122

12. Sun Life Stop-Loss Report, 2019.


14. Measuring Health-Related Productivity Loss.


16.  Wamberg Genomic Advisors Cancer Survey of 204 cancer patients and nonprofessional advocates fielded by Survey Sampling International (SSI), 2018.  Available at:

Informational Resources
